- In the vSphere Client, select the host, click on the Configuration
tab, select Security Profile, and click on Properties... in the
upper right corner (on the line which is labeled as Services):

- If SSH is not running, select its entry and click on

- Click on Start, select Start and stop with host, and close
both dialog windows by clicking on Ok:

- On a Linux or Unix box, create a key pair without passphrase:
ssh-keygen -N "" -f id_esxi
This creates two files - id_esxi and id_esxi.pub.
- Append the public key to /etc/ssh/keys-root/authorized_keys on your
ESXi box:
cat id_esxi.pub | ssh root@HOSTNAME_OR_IP_ADDRESS 'cat >>/etc/ssh/keys-root/authorized_keys'
- From now on, you can ssh into your ESXi box by just using the private key:
ssh -i id_esxi root@HOSTNAME_OR_IP_ADDRESS