AmpControl is a Java desktop application to control an Onkyo receiver or amplifier over the network.
ampcontrol is a Node.js application which fulfills the same purpose, but comes with a web frontend.
ampctrld is a re-implementation of ampcontrol in pure C.
Currently, all three allow you to
You now have /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ampctrld on FreeBSD, and /lib/systemd/system/ampctrld.service or /etc/init.d/ampctrld on a Linux with systemd or OpenRC, respectively.
ampctrld version 2 Usage: ampctrld [-d] [-i <id>=<name>] [-l <address>[:<port>]] [-p <pid file>] [-u <user>] [<amplifier>[:<port>]] ampctrld -a ampctrld -h -d run in foreground, and log to stdout/stderr, do not detach from terminal, do not log to syslog -i <id>=<name> assign <name> to input <id>; may be specified multiple times -l <address>[:<port>] listen on this address and port; a maximum of 16 addresses may be specified; port defaults to 8082; default: -p <pidfile> daemonize and save pid to this file; no default, pid gets not written to any file unless <pidfile> is given -u <user> switch to this user; no default, run as invoking user <amplifier>[:<port>] connect to this amplifier; default: onkyo:60128 -a show default input names -h show this help ;-)
Username: svn, Password: svn