Data privacy statement
This webserver saves for each access:
- date and time
- the first line of the client request, which normally consists of the HTTP access method, e.g. GET or POST, the name of the accessed page or file, and the HTTP version, e.g. HTTP/1.1
- the amount of delivered data
- the status code of the webserver.
This logdata is saved for an indefinite time and is not forwarded to any third party. It is analyzed locally in order to determine the most viewed pages and to help with technical issues.
The webserver does not set cookies and logs neither IP addresses, referers, nor the user-agent string. I documented here how to achieve this.
The Subversion source code repositories are read-only accessible by a generic, non-personalized login.
The webserver and the underlying operating system are updated regularly. It runs as a hosted virtual machine. I do not have access to the hypervisor.
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