FJOs dyndns

just another client for using the DynDNS services


$ dyndns -h
dyndns 0.03

usage: dyndns [-d] [configfile]
       dyndns -h

  -d           points your hostname to, regardless of configfile or
               external ip address (useful before shutting down your external
  configfile   name of configfile
  -h           this help

see also

If you do not specify a configuration file on the commandline, it will try to open its default configuration /etc/dyndns.conf. Because DynDNS requires at least a password, you have to provide a valid configuration file or dyndns will fail.


The following options are recognized in the config file:

option default value description
ifconfig /sbin/ifconfig ifconfig is used to determine the ip address of the interface given by the option interface
interface   The interface is used to determine the ip address which will be used for your DynDNS entry
ip   Instead of letting dyndns + ifconfig determine an ip address, you can also specify an address directly. This option is mutually exclusive with specifying an interface option in the configuration file. If you do neither specify an ip address nor an interface name, DynDNS will try to determine your public ip address
dyndns the DynDNS webserver through which your ip address will be registered
update /nic/update script on the DynDNS webserver which will handle the registration
system dyndns DynDNS offers you multiple services besides the default registration of your dynamic ip address.
wildcard NO set to YES if you want to point *.your.domain to your ip address
backmx NO set to YES if the mx host should also registered as a backup mx host
hostname hostname.domainname the domainname you registered at DynDNS
mx hostname hostname or ip address which will be registered as the mx host of your domain
http_proxy   If you use an HTTP proxy for accessing the web, you should also specify its hostname or ip address here
proxy_port 3128 The port number of your proxy server
user name of the account dyndns is running under your username at DynDNS
pass   your password for your DynDNS account
logfile /var/log/dyndns.log location of logfile, a "-" (a single dash) denotes stdout
errfile /var/log/dyndns.err location of error logfile, a "-" (a single dash) denotes stderr

Because there is a password stored in the configuration file, you should do a chmod 0600 /etc/dyndns.conf so no other user can read it.

