#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use RRDs; sub usage($) { print < --info|-i rrdquery.pl [--resolution|-r ] [--start|-s ] [--end|-e ] [--align-start|-a] [--daemon|-d
] [--utc|-u] rrdquery.pl -h rrdquery.pl --help Description: --info, -i Output the names of all round robin archives (RRAs), the names of all datasources, as well as the oldest and latest update timestamp found in the round robin database (RRD) --utc, -u Display each timestamp in UTC time instead of local time --help Display common examples -h Display this help ;-) Select a datasource and optionally filter rows Filter syntax: FUNC() [ |IS NULL] FUNC(...) Optional aggregate function, one of COUNT(), SUM(), AVG(), MIN(), or MAX() (case insensitive) The name of a datasource in (case sensitive) Any of =, !=, <> (same as !=), <, <=, >=, or > An integer or float value IS NULL Output any row where is null or NaN (case insensitive) Whitespace between , , and/or may be omitted. Check for occurences where has a non-NULL value can be achieved by specifying only. If no value within the given time range matches the filter, or if the RRD file contains no value within in the time range, then rrdquery.pl prints no result. The COUNT() aggregate function always prints a result of zero or larger. EOF exit($_[0]); } sub examples() { print < 23" 2. Print all timestamps and maximum inBytes within the last 2 weeks: rrdquery.pl /var/db/rrd/interface-vmx0.rrd MAX inBytes -s end-2weeks 3, Print the sum of all average outBytes: rrdquery.pl /var/db/rrd/interface-vmx0.rrd "sum(outBytes)" 4. Count the occurence of any outBytes larger or equal than 42: rrdquery.pl /var/db/rrd/interface-vmx0.rrd "count(outBytes) >= 42" 5. Print all timestamps and values of all minimum inBytes within the last 24 hours: rrdquery.pl /var/db/rrd/interface-vmx0.rrd MIN inBytes 6. Print all timestamps and (NULL) values where no value has been added to the average consolidation function in the RRD file in February 2023: rrdquery.pl /var/db/rrd/interface-vmx0.rrd AVG inBytes is Null \\ -s 20230201 -e 20230228 EOF exit(0); } sub format_time($$) { my ($epoch, $utc) = @_; my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year) = ($utc ? gmtime($epoch) : localtime($epoch)); return sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $year + 1900, $mon + 1, $day, $hour, $min, $sec); } my ($resolution, $start, $end, $alignstart, $daemon, $utc, $showinfo, $help, $examples); GetOptions( "resolution|r=s" => \$resolution, "start|s=s" => \$start, "end|e=s" => \$end, "align-start|a" => \$alignstart, "daemon|d=s" => \$daemon, "utc|u" => \$utc, "info|i" => \$showinfo, "h" => \$help, "help" => \$examples, ) || die; my ($rrdfile, $cf, @filter) = @ARGV; my $filter = join(" ", @filter); examples() if $examples; usage(0) if $help; usage(1) if (!$rrdfile || !($showinfo || ($cf && $filter))); if ($showinfo) { # show info my $info = RRDs::info($rrdfile); my $err = RRDs::error; die "Error while getting info from $rrdfile: $err" if $err; my %rras; my %datasources; my $lastupdate; my $firstupdate; # get the name of all round robin archives and datasources, # the oldest update timestamp of all rras, and the latest update # timestamp of the database foreach (keys %$info) { if (/^rra\[(\d+)\]\.cf$/) { my $rraidx = $1; my $first = RRDs::first($rrdfile, "--rraindex", $rraidx); $err = RRDs::error; if ($err) { die "Error while getting first update of rra $rraidx from $rrdfile: " . $err; } if (!defined $firstupdate || ($first < $firstupdate)) { $firstupdate = $first; } $rras{$info->{$_}} = 0; } elsif (/^ds\[([^\]]+)\]\./) { $datasources{$1} = 0; } elsif ($_ eq "last_update") { $lastupdate = $info->{$_}; } } print "Round robin archives (RRAs)\n"; foreach my $rra(sort keys %rras) { print " $rra\n"; } print "\nData sources (DSs):\n"; foreach my $ds(sort keys %datasources) { print " $ds\n"; } print "\nFirst update: ", $firstupdate, " (", format_time($firstupdate, $utc), ")", "\nLast update: ", $lastupdate, " (", format_time($lastupdate, $utc), ")\n"; } else { # build options for rrdfetch my @cmd = ($rrdfile, $cf); push @cmd, "-r $resolution" if defined $resolution; push @cmd, "-s $start" if defined $start; push @cmd, "-e $end" if defined $end; push @cmd, "-a" if $alignstart; push @cmd, "-d $daemon" if $daemon; # SQL-ish aggregates my %aggregates = ( "identity" => sub { my ($ts, $utc, $curval, $result) = @_; print $ts, " (", format_time($ts, $utc), ") ", (defined $curval ? $curval : "NULL"), "\n"; return $result; }, "count" => sub { my ($ts, $utc, $curval, $result) = @_; return ($result ? $result + 1 : 1); }, "sum" => sub { my ($ts, $utc, $curval, $result) = @_; if (!defined $curval) { return $result; } return ($result ? ($result + $curval) : $curval); }, "avg" => sub { my ($ts, $utc, $curval, $result) = @_; if (!defined $curval) { return $result; } if (defined $result) { $result->[0]++; $result->[1] += $curval; } else { $result = [1, $curval]; } return $result; }, "min" => sub { my ($ts, $utc, $curval, $result) = @_; if (defined $curval && (!defined $result || ($result->[1] > $curval))) { $result = [$ts, $curval]; } return $result; }, "max" => sub { my ($ts, $utc, $curval, $result) = @_; if (defined $curval && (!defined $result || ($result->[1] < $curval))) { $result = [$ts, $curval]; } return $result; }, ); my ($ts, $step, $names, $data) = RRDs::fetch(@cmd); my $err = RRDs::error; die "Error while fetching data from $rrdfile: $err" if $err; # e.g. "sum(outBytes)", "count(inBytes) > 10", "errBytes > 0.1", # "inBytes iS NulL", or just "discOutBits" if ($filter !~ /^\s*((?count|sum|avg|min|max)\s*\(\s*)?(?[^\s=!<>()]+)(\s*\))?((\s*(?=|!=|<>|<|<=|>=|>)\s*(?\d+(\.\d+)?))|(\s+(?is\s+null)))?\s*$/i) { die "Invalid filter: $filter"; } # $value is fixed float given by user filter my ($dsname, $cmp, $value, $isnull, $aggregate) = ($+{dsname}, $+{cmp}, $+{value}, $+{isnull}, lc($+{aggregate} // "")); my $aggregate_func = $aggregates{$aggregate ? $aggregate : "identity"}; # dsidx holds column index of selected datasource my $dsidx; for ($dsidx = 0; $dsidx <= $#$names; $dsidx++) { last if ($dsname eq $names->[$dsidx]); } die "No such data source: $dsname" if ($dsidx > $#$names); # reference to comparator my %cmps = ( "=" => sub { return defined $_[0] && ($_[0] == $_[1]); }, "!=" => sub { return defined $_[0] && ($_[0] != $_[1]); }, "<>" => sub { return defined $_[0] && ($_[0] != $_[1]); }, "<" => sub { return defined $_[0] && ($_[0] < $_[1]); }, "<=" => sub { return defined $_[0] && ($_[0] <= $_[1]); }, ">=" => sub { return defined $_[0] && ($_[0] >= $_[1]); }, ">" => sub { return defined $_[0] && ($_[0] > $_[1]); }, ); my $cmpfunc; if ($isnull) { $cmpfunc = sub { return !defined $_[0]; }; } elsif ($cmp) { $cmpfunc = $cmps{$cmp}; } else { $cmpfunc = sub { return defined $_[0]; }; } my $result; if ($aggregate eq "count") { $result = 0; } foreach my $line(@$data) { my $curval = $line->[$dsidx]; if (&$cmpfunc($curval, $value)) { $result = &$aggregate_func($ts, $utc, $curval, $result); } $ts += $step; } if (defined $result) { if ($aggregate eq "avg") { my $avg = $result->[1] / $result->[0]; print $avg, "\n"; } elsif (($aggregate eq "min") || ($aggregate eq "max")) { print $result->[0], " (", format_time($result->[0], $utc), ") ", $result->[1], "\n"; } else { # count(), sum() print $result, "\n"; } } }