

tcpoptd can delete and add arbitrary TCP header options. It runs on operating systems that offer divert sockets, e.g. FreeBSD.



tcpoptd V0.2 - modifies tcp header options

usage: tcpoptd [-a <opts>] [-r <opts>] [-p <port>]
               [-d [-d]] [-i <pidfile>] [-u <user>]
       tcpoptd -h

  -a <opts>      comma-separated values that are inserted into every tcp
                 packet; decimal and hexadecimal values are accepted, e.g.
                 to insert tcp option 0x4e (78) comprising two values 23 and
                  |   | |  +-- option value
                  |   | +----- option value
                  |   +------- total length incl. type and length
                  +----------- option type
                 if you are inserting an odd number of bytes, then you should
                 prefix these values with a nop opcode (1), e.g. instead of
                 45,3,4 use 1,45,3,4

  -r <opts>      comma-separated list of tcp header options that get remove
                 from every tcp packet; decimal and hexadecimal values are
                 accepted, e.g. to remove any occurrences of option type
                 0xf (15) and 11:
                 Note that option type 0 (end-of-options, padding) and
                 1 (nop) are always removed and added as needed at the end
                 of the new tcp header options

  -p <port>      divert port number to listen on; defaults to 10003, e.g.
                 to redirect all outgoing tcp packets with syn flag set and
                 destined to port 25 through tcpoptd, add this to your ipfw
                 add divert 10003 tcp from me to any 25 out setup

  -d             run in foreground, don't write pidfile
  -d -d          run in foreground, don't write pidfile, debug log to stderr,
                 don't drop privileges
  -i <pidfile>   write pid to <pidfile> instead of /var/run/
  -u <user>      run as user <user> instead of uid 65535 and gid 65535
  -h             show this help ;-)

