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recent news

[2024-10-09] LogBlitz version 21 allows you to wrap lines even on Chrome and Chromium based webbrowsers, and restores the expected cookie behaviour.

[2024-10-03] LogBlitz version 20 allows you to wrap lines.

[2024-09-25] New version of my how to install pgAdmin 4 on FreeBSD 14 fixes two errors, and covers pgAdmin 8.12.

[2024-09-04] Updated how to install pgAdmin 4 on FreeBSD 14 to pgAdmin 8.11.

[2024-08-30] New version of rrd4cmk.pl provides default status texts, and allows you to specify a name, a minimum value, and a maximum value for the metrics.

[2024-08-21] rrd4cmk.pl is a local check for Checkmk that checks an RRD database for thresholds.

[2024-06-30] Random password generator with Python >= 3.6:
$ python -c 'import random, string; print("".join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters+string.digits+string.punctuation, k=16)))'

[2024-06-16] New version of kvmlib allows you to disable any sound hardware at all (set VM_SOUND to "0"), fixes a bug when accessing qemu's console without a parameter, allows you to create, resize, and list virtual disks, and may create, delete, rollback, and list snapshots of a vm's virtual disks.

[2024-04-16] 499.ipdb is a helper for geolocation access on your FreeBSD firewall. It atomically loads the ip ranges of given countries to an ipfw firewall table. You run 499.ipdb weekly by periodic and as cron job during system boot. It either requires sysutils/ipdbtools from ports to directly download and compile ip geolocation data from a regional Internet registry, or may download the output from a central host that also runs 499.ipdb regularly.

[2024-03-20] text2png.py outputs a given text as scrambled picture in png format.

[2024-03-13] graypold version 11 supports SQLite database backends. Please see the provided readme.txt. Also note that the config option for the graylisting unix socket has changed:
OLD: listen_graypol = /var/run/graypold_graypol.sock
NEW: listen_graylist = /var/run/graypold_graylist.sock

[2024-03-07] ovpn.py version 2 displays transferred bytes human readable with suffixed kB, MB, and so, and right-aligns integer values. Here's a screenshot:
Example output of ovpn.py



[2024-02-24] Updating a FreeBSD system bumped to FreeBSD 14.

[2024-02-17] First rule of WSGI programming: You do not use global variables. Thus, LogBlitz version 17.

[2024-01-17] gitup is a lightweight alternative to the official git client. It is aimed at updating ports (and src) on a FreeBSD system without cloning the respective repository's database or history. Installation is pretty simple:
# pkg install gitup
# cp -aiv /usr/local/etc/gitup.conf.sample /usr/local/etc/gitup.conf
If you have already installed ports locally, then you might build gitup from source:
# make -C /usr/port/net/gitup install clean
# cp -aiv /usr/local/etc/gitup.conf.sample /usr/local/etc/gitup.conf
Keeping your ports copy up to date is trivial:
# gitup ports
gitup will not proceed if a .git directory exists. Thus, if you have cloned your copy of the ports tree using the official git client, then remove /usr/ports/.git first:
# rm -r /usr/ports/.git

[2024-01-08] LogBlitz version 16 can be served by a WSGI server, too.


[2023-12-16] New version of pocgi.py fixes two bugs: Standard input was not opened in binary mode, and parsed values were not comparable to strings.

[2023-12-13] As FreeBSD 14 ships without portsnap, you are encouraged to use git in order to update your local ports tree. If you do not need the complete history of the entire ports collection, then limit the number of historical commits to one, e.g. for a very first clone right a fresh install:
# pkg install git
# git clone --depth 1 https://git.FreeBSD.org/ports.git /usr/ports
To keep the ports tree tidy afterwards, I use these 3 commands for now:
# cd /usr/ports
# git pull --depth 1
# git reset --hard origin
# git clean -dfx


[2023-12-03] pocgi.py (plain old cgi) aims to be a replacement for Python's cgi library, which was deprecated in 3.11 and will be removed in 3.13 (see PEP 594).

[2023-11-25] formdata.py shows how to do multipart/form-data HTTP POST uploads with Python's urllib only.

[2023-11-05] Benchmarked two additional devices for video encoding speed.

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