- rrd4cmk.pl is a local check for Checkmk that checks an RRD database for thresholds.
- 499.ipdb is a helper for geolocation access on your FreeBSD firewall. It atomically loads the ip ranges of given countries to an ipfw firewall table. You run 499.ipdb weekly by periodic and as cron job during system boot. It either requires sysutils/ipdbtools from ports to directly download and compile ip geolocation data from a regional Internet registry, or may download the output from a central host that also runs 499.ipdb regularly.
- text2png.py outputs a given text as scrambled picture in png format.
- ovpn.py is a CGI/WSGI script which displays connected clients, routing table, and various info of locally running OpenVPN instances.
- pocgi.py (plain old cgi) aims to be a replacement for Python's cgi library, which was deprecated in 3.11 and will be removed in 3.13 (see PEP 594).
- formdata.py shows how to do multipart/form-data HTTP POST uploads with Python's urllib only.
- bsdrss prints the state and RSS of a process on DragonFlyBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD.
- dnskey2id.pl shows how to derive the key id for a given DNSSEC dnskey.
- sha512.c shows how to get the base64 encoded SHA hash of an existing file using the OpenSSL API
- update_znuny.sh updates Znuny on FreeBSD
- nextcron.py reads one or more crontabs from stdin and displays upcoming cronjobs which are run next
- LogBlitz is a CGI script to search through your (sys-)log files
- grapheqd displays the frequency spectrum of an audio signal via its HTML5 webpage or ASCII interface
- rrdquery.pl retrieves one datasource from an RRD (round robin database) and optionally filters its values
- privatebinc.py is a simple Python client for PrivateBin
- ldif2xml.pl converts LDIF to XML
- modules_otrs.sh installs required Perl packages for OTRS 6.x on FreeBSD
- update_otrs.sh updates OTRS on FreeBSD
- ipc.py demonstrates how to use POSIX / BSD IPC with Python
- mysql2oracle.pl copies an OTRS database from MySQL to Oracle
- Tvhead2TVB exports program schedules from TV-Browser to Tvheadend
- Scripts for VMware Fusion
- initramfs for LVM may be of help if your Linux root filesystem resides in an LVM volume
- initramfs for Btrfs may be of help if your Linux root filesystem resides on a multi-device, i.e. mirrored Btrfs volume
- watchdog.sh is a simple shell script for FreeBSD to demote local carp announcements if a daemon is not running
- imapnotes is a Python script to read and write notes stored on an IMAPS server
- nsnitro.sh is a shell script for the NITRO API of a NetScaler loadbalancer
- check_tvh.py checks and restarts webcamd and Tvheadend on FreeBSD
- guaca, adhoc sessions for Guacamole
- AmpControl, ampcontrol, and ampctrld are a Java desktop application, a Node.js application, and its C re-implementation, respectively, to control your Onkyo receiver or amplifier
- OTRS modules and patches
- Captcha.pm is a simple Perl module providing CAPTCHA images and code checking
- zfs-snap periodically creates and deletes ZFS
snapshots on FreeBSD
- webcam is a CGI shell script for fswebcam running on OpenWrt
- s3blkdev is a gateway between S3 compatible
storages and Linux network block devices (NBD)
- adpasswd.php shows how to change your
active directory password with PHP
- mksnapback creates and deletes filesystem
snapshots on FreeBSD during system boot and shutdown
- minicom.scpt launches minicom
(or any other console program) like a normal Mac OS X application
- netscalers3.py outputs configuration
snippets for a Netscaler in order to make it a HTTP gateway for an S3
- jabber.pl shows how to connect and to talk to
a jabber server using the Net::Jabber module
- ami.pl shows how to place a call using the
Asterisk::Manager module
- s3file.py started as a trivial S3 tool, but has evolved to allow you to manipulate buckets and objects on S3 storages
- rarp.pl shows how one can send raw ethernet
frames with Perl, e.g. reverse arp
- FirewallTest.cs is a code snippet
which show how to create Windows firewall rules programmatically
- svnmail.pl sends an email after every
commit to a subversion repository
- mcast.pl and mcast6.pl demonstrate how to send multicast with
- vmrun2.sh can be used to start an Ubuntu
14.04 server virtual machine on FreeBSD with bhyve, whilst vmrun3.sh is suitable for CentOS 7
- ftp6proxy is an IPv6 ftp proxy for FreeBSD based
- backup_cfg backups the running
configuration of your NanoBSD system
- vmrun.sh can be used to start a Gentoo Linux
virtual machine on FreeBSD with bhyve
- kvmlib is a shell script I use to start and stop KVM
based virtual machines
- vmtar.pl converts a vtar file (as found on
VMware's ESXi hypervisor) to a common tar archive
- addrra.pl adds RRAs to an RRD file
- rmks.py proxies a vnc connection to the
console of virtual machine running on a VMware ESXi 5.x host
- bgppeermon.py prints any configured BGP
peers to which a Juniper router hasn't established a connection
- complete.py uses ~/.ssh/known_hosts to
complete ssh commands in the bash shell
- tcpoptd modifies TCP header options
- mdnsproxy forwards multicast DNS requests to
unicast DNS servers
- clucp - a copy tool for Corosync clusters
- suexec helper replacement for shared Apache
webservers with support for virtual users
- pomavold lets you control the volume of your
soundcard with a Griffin PowerMate
- EventLogReader reads and prints the eventlog
on Windows
- xmlrpc.pl el-cheapo XML-RPC with Perl and
- qemu-wxp.sh and tun.sh, my shell scripts for qemu-kvm
- fxattr shows and copies extended attributes on Mac
OS X without dereferencing symbolic links
- AugTV, a plugin for TV-Browser to schedule recordings on EyeTV
- TinyWS is a small and tiny SOAP server for Java
servlet containers
- aliassync syncs mail aliases into
the LDAP directory on a CommuniGate Pro
- Bandnudel - Sauerbraten statistics and more
- myufsbackup is my mylvmbackup pendant for
- some OTRS modules that I developed for my diploma thesis
- finitrd is a small ramdisk for booting from a LVM
root disk
- tools for PostgreSQL
prototypes for monitoring local traffic
some policy daemons for Postfix (graylisting, etc.)
leChunk save large files as smaller chunks
sparse.c creates sparse files
syswatch.pl ugly mail script which triggers on
syslog events
spamdelex.pl deletes the "Spam Mail"
folder from your Exchange account
linuxrc ugly initrd tool for Linux root filesystem on
firewire disks
filo my own small Linux boot loader
fproxy a small & fast tcp proxy
double.pl finds duplicate files
tar.pl is a small brother of tar
redirect.awk (my neverending story about
redirection programs for the squid webproxy)
upload.c is a CGI script which can handle file uploads
mailtools tools for fetching emails
redir cgi program for el-cheapo round-robin based
reverse.c (like perl -e 'print reverse
rot13.c (strong encryption utility :-))
a small mount
klogset yet another dmesg
sillyHTTPd a simple webserver written in Perl
d2u converts dos-textfiles to unix, like duconv
smtppipe reads mail from stdin and sends it to a smtp
squid_redir.pl (obsolete!) avoids javascript popups,
requires squid
squid_redir a multi purpose redirector for the
squid web proxy
ftp.pl file downloader which you can use with squid or so
DOS some old Turbo Pascal stuff
Windows some old TP for Windows stuff
playing around with FAT32 code