- Building a high available FreeBSD cluster describes how to build a highly available load balancer, dns server, or web server, that also runs out of the box on VMware vSphere.
- How to install pgAdmin 4 on FreeBSD 14
- How to use Apache Tomcat and TLS/SSL certificates in PEM or PKCS12 format.
- regexplode.pl shows what happens if you accept arbitrary regular expressions, while regexplode.py shows why you want to use RE2 or pyre2.
- spf.pl shows how to use Perl's Mail::SPF module.
- rtgen.py generates blackhole routes suitable for stress testing the Bird Internet Routing Daemon and other network gear, e.g. your BGP routers.
- pgnumeric.c shows how to store values of type numeric in a PostgreSQL database using C datatypes.
- nswl@.service shows how to run multiple instances of the NetScaler web server logging client on a recent Linux distribution as it comes as service unit for systemd.
- s3.php shows how to use the AWS SDK for PHP with an S3 object storage
- smtp.py shows how to send quoted-printable encoded emails containing UTF-8 characters in both the subject and the body using Python's smtplib and email.message modules
- argparser.py shows how to use Python's argparse module
- mce.py is just a Python CGI script to play around with TinyMCE
- HTML files and folder symbols
- Apache and form based login
- Small Python container for Docker
- cURL and self signed certificates on FreeBSD 13
- How to check whether a given text is a valid base64 encoded string in plain (Postgre)SQL
- TSIG authenticated zone transfers with Perl and Net::DNS
- Automatic version numbers with Git
- pgAdmin 4 on Gentoo
- ConvertSecureStringToPlainText.ps1 brings ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText to older versions of PowerShell
- Apache and Fail2ban
- FastCGI with nginx and fcgiwrap on FreeBSD
- Building a digital video recorder with FreeBSD
- Resizing an UFS2 filesystem on FreeBSD 4.x
- Negotiate authentication with Python and PycURL on FreeBSD
- Virtualize Windows 10, convert to UEFI, and install virtio drivers on KVM/qemu
- Pidgin and the new ICQ WIM protocol on Gentoo
- Transparent proxy with nginx and pf on FreeBSD
- OAuth IDP with NetScaler
- Jails on FreeBSD
- xdm on Linux
- UTF8 filenames with Java
- dehydrated on FreeBSD
- Minimal logging with Apache
- How to create self signed certificates
- Upgrading PostgreSQL with pg_upgrade on FreeBSD
- PostgreSQL with replication slots on FreeBSD
- Monitoring sendmail with snmp on FreeBSD
- Guacamole on FreeBSD
- Backup restore on a NetScaler
- NanoBSD for Raspberry Pi based on
FreeBSD 10.0
FreeBSD 10.1
FreeBSD 11.0
- Cacti and Fail2ban
- Running CDE on FreeBSD on a Mac Mini
- Redundant ethernet bridge with FreeBSD and tinc
- How to replace strings in AppleScript
- Adding custom MIBs to SNMP
- Huawei E392 USB LTE modem on FreeBSD
- freebsd-update with a custom kernel
- Building Netatalk on Ubuntu 15.10
- Network tuning on FreeBSD
- Advanced TCP Bandwidth Calculator shows
why a single TCP connection almost never saturates a data link
- OpenVPN routing with BIRD on
- PCI and VGA passthrough on Xen
- A few things I came across while
setting up sslh in transparent mode on FreeBSD
- How to create a bootable USB
flash drive to install VMware ESXi 5.5 from
- Let FreeBSD's inetd listen
on a Unix socket
- openvpn.ovpn is a OpenVPN connection
profile template
- Updating OTRS on FreeBSD
- Adding devices and graphs using Cacti's
command-line interface
- Unbricking a WRT610N with OpenWRT
- Building a FreeBSD backup
- Printing on Gentoo
- Resizing an UFS2
filesystem on FreeBSD
- Updating a FreeBSD system
- NanoBSD: config files and description of my DSL
- Slave root zone and forward zones
with Bind
- Missing icons and symbols on Mac OS X
- Python with mod_wsgi
- Run a program if your Mac
OS X system's configuration changes
- Tagged VLANs on Mac OS X
- Tagged VLANs on FreeBSD
- FreeBSD WAN simulator
- How to build a BGP looking
glass with OpenBSD
- How to install FreeBSD on a
Raspberry Pi
- How to netboot and install
- Building DRBD on CentOS
- Resizing DRBD without LVM
- Percona on FreeBSD
- Log into a VMware ESXi using SSH keys
- El cheapo hierarchical storage
management on Linux
- Simple DVD authoring on Linux
- PCI passthrough on XenServer
- Joining Unix-like systems to an
Active Directory
- splice() on Linux
- IPv6
- WANem hard disc install & bridge
- Bandnudel - Sauerbraten statistics and more
- resetting the MySQL root
password, on FreeBSD, the hard way
- booting from a LVM root disk
PostgreSQL locks
samba and postgresql
xinetd howto - xinetd in conjunction with qmail and
compile instructions for my programs written
in C
notes on djbdns
qmail for Linux
shellscript for a default qmail setup
Quake X11 start script
process accounting under Linux
configure Bochs
cross compile a complete Linux for
UltraSparc from scratch not finished yet
compile a complete Linux for a 386 with
dietlibc from scratch Linux 2.4 does not work on a 386 so this won't get
finished although 2.2 works fine
same as above, but with Linux 2.5 used for a
newsserver on an i386
cross compile a complete Linux for PA-RISC
from scratch won't get finished because I sold my HP 712/60 workstation
compile KDE it is quite fast by doing this on your
compile Mozilla due, Mozilla is really slow
true type fonts for pdflatex a shell script for
configure XFce
encrypt pdf files with latex